PLANTAE (Växtrikedom)
This art work was made during the pandemic years 2019-20. Those years made me explore the everyday life, feeling of happiness and my ability to appreciate the ordinary life. I started to observe my immediate surroundings and look at it with a new appreciation and interest.
The idea of art piece Plantae got started while I was sketching an ordinary plot plant. The potential in the ordinary is endless if I am (we are) able to see it. The ordinary plot plant can, with a little bit of imagination, became an abstract wild vegetation; an textile artwork which climbs up to your walls.
The whole work consist of four pieces and takes wall space approximately 185 cm * 51 cm. The main materials used are recycled jeans and woollen fabrics. Technique used is textile intarsia. Work is hand stitched.
Artwork is for sale
Price 6500 SEK